Family Volunteers at DAA

At DAA, one of our goals is to have 100% family attendance at all school-wide and classroom-wide events. We also ask our families to give at least 10 hours of volunteer time each year, in their student’s classroom, on field work, or at home working on crew activities. To some this may seem like a lofty goal for busy families with busy schedules, but at DAA we believe that if you set a bar high, not only will people meet it, they will exceed it! Research also suggests that student achievement can increase, and a student can feel more connected to their school when their family is involved and committed to the school’s mission and vision.

Since DAA opened, we have had a consistent group of families who have gone above and beyond in giving their time to the school. You can find them directing traffic in the mornings and afternoons during drop off, chaperoning field work, volunteering at fundraiser events, and helping during read-a-thons, book fairs, and other fun school-wide activities. Our families and teachers are also engaging via phone, text, email, and Facebook, as a way to stay connected throughout the year. Our families and staff members also interact on weekends at school events and sporting games.

Our hope is that all DAA families continue to feel welcome and get involved in a variety of ways! Every family member that wants to volunteer attends a Volunteer and Chaperone Training that is offered multiple times throughout the school year. Once you have been trained, you are set to help out at DAA for the next three years! As a staff, we are committed to continuously seeking new ways for families to be present at school, and then recognizing them for all of their hard work, perseverance, and responsibility to our DAA community. Stay tuned for a post at the end of this school year about our above-and-beyond family volunteers.


Kindergarten Crew // Hands-On Learning


Kindergarten & 1st Grade Crew // BBK