Academic Intervention // Support Team

DAA is excited to continue offering academic intervention to all grades K-6 with Mrs. Bradley (2nd-6th grade), Mr. O’Brien (K, 2nd, & 4th grade), Ms. Turner (1st grade), Ms. Shanell (Kindergarten), and Mrs. Stoeckle (3rd & 4th). Academic intervention is provided to children with the most need and opportunity for growth in each classroom based on NWEA MAP data, reading levels on the Fountas & Pinnell assessment, and benchmark assessments to measure where a child stands academically in math. These tests are given to help us create groups of children that need the most assistance in math and reading. We then use these data points to create an instructional plan that addresses their biggest weaknesses.

At the beginning of the year we tested all children to find out baseline data for reading and math. After all of the initial testing, we rolled out the official start of intervention using Fountas & Pinnell’s (F&P) reading intervention or a scope and sequence that works on important reading skills for each grade level. Number Worlds for math. Each round of academic intervention will last six weeks with the same caseload. After six weeks, each child in intervention is re-tested in math and reading using the F&P test and Number Worlds assessments in order to see if they are still the most in need of intervention or if they can graduate off of the caseload.

The Fountas & Pinnell intervention is a curriculum for small-group reading instruction that gives students access to books on their level to build them into successful readers. These lessons will help create a foundation for our readers in order to move from learning to read to reading to learn. Number Worlds is a math curriculum based on Michigan state standards that allows kids to play games that apply the math that they are working on to real world problems. The games have proven to be very engaging and keep our kids focused on the math.

Each child is seen at least three times per week in group and are given a short assessment at the end of each week in order to ensure that they are internalizing the information taught that week. Through intervention we aim to give our children the opportunity to do well and grow to or above grade level and be successful without additional intervention.


5th Grade Crew // Extending Research of the Module Topic through Labs Block


2nd Grade Crew // Building Relationships