Middle School Resource Time with Ms. Houze

 What is the resource classroom?

The resource classroom is a space which enables students to receive extra support in their academics. Students are given accommodations and differentiated instruction during these periods. During each session, pupils are in small groups and often receive 1:1 support. Goals are set for the students on their IEPs and during this time we work on each. Math, Reading, Writing, etc… are taught to the learners. The resource room is also a safe place for students allowing them to take breaks when frustrated, work at their own pace and level, and to just ask questions while feeling comfortable to do so.

Why is it such a significant time for students?

Resource is important for students with disabilities because it gives them assurance and confidence. They build skills and learn concepts that they did not previously know. The resource room is oftentimes like a therapeutic space for students. It is whereas students can be themselves, they are able to express themselves, and even vent when needed. There are many tools used in the resource room to help students focus and relax such as: fidgets, dimmed lighting, relaxation music, calm space, and much more.

What goes on in our resource room?

My middle schoolers are making substantial progress on their IEP goals. They are growing in reading/writing as well as math. We are learning how to build friendships and ways to strengthen our character. These children have increased confidence in their abilities because they have seen their papers graded with nice comments and have received an A on multiple assessments. In our room, students are learning foundational skills and building upon them. We have talks about what is going on with us, personal goals and plans, as well as just general chit chat. My students feel personable with me. Often they ask to stay beyond their required times. I have a professional yet close relationship with them and they put forth great effort!

Our calm corner


1st Grade Crew // Active Learning at DAA


Middle School // The Purple Hoodie